Cold and Flu Tips and Self-Help
Cold and Flu – Prevention and Self-Help Tips
There is lots of information circulating on the internet about what you can and can’t do to help yourself at this time. So I have collected the most effective strategies that I have come across here.
For me, I rarely get colds or flu, but when I do it is usually because I currently have, or have had, too much going on and I need to stop and rest. And it is interesting that that is exactly what we are being asked to do now. Stop. Stop rushing around, stop trying to frantically fit it all in, stop and breathe.
According to Louise Hay colds, coughs and influenza represent a state of dis-ease in the being:
Colds: Too much going on at once. Mental Confusion, disorder. {Counteract it with: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well.}
Coughs: A desire to bark at the world: “See me! Listen to me!” {Counteract it with: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.}
Influenza: Response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics. {Counteract with: I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence.}
The easiest way to break the information down is in the four categories that we address with Kinesiology – Chemical/Nutritional, Physical, Emotional, Electrical and Spiritual, but before I do that here is the most basic tip that I am sure you all know about and have heard over and over again:
Wash Your Hands - The government and media are basically telling you to ‘Wash Your Hands’. Why? Because the virus is primarily spread through water droplets which are left on surfaces after sneezing or coughing, and you then touch your face or nose, etc. This is the same for all colds and flus, and is basic hygiene.
Ibuprofen: Do NOT take Ibuprofen based products if you suspect you have the Coronavirus. Reports are coming in that this seems to be associated with a lot of complications with people who have no underlying health conditions.
Drink Water: Drinking water keeps you hydrated,. Additionally drinking warm water through out the day boosts the immune system. And remember the old favourite - add lemon, ginger and honey to give you Vitamin C, antibacterial and antiviral support. Add a dash of rum or whisky and sweat it out under blankets if you haven’t got a temperature is a great traditional remedy.
If you follow any spiritual or religious path, then take solace in the beliefs and philosophies provided.
Prayer, meditation, breathing and yoga practices are extremely beneficial at this time.
“The real disease is fear. Throw the fear away and the disease will go.” Mira Alfassa
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by fear there are a few tips and techniques to help you calm down:
Switch off the news and social media – the news is providing totally skewed statistics and numbers which are scary and contributing to the mass hysteria. Switch it off. Take a break from electronics and social media. Filling your head with all this stuff is fuelling the fear.
Stuck at home – there are loads of ideas floating around about how to spend your time constructively, everything from spending quality time with your close family, reading a book, decluttering, doing all those little jobs that you keep meaning to do and haven’t gotten around to for ages; pamper yourself, have a bath, watch fun or educational TV, meditate, etc.
Affirmations – Louise Hay’s affirmations for clearing colds, coughs and flu, also shown above, are: a) I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well. b) I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved. c) I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence. Repeat them several times a day.
Focus on your breathing – count in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four and repeat. This is called box breathing. Keep going until you calm down.
Look at the room around you – observe and count things in the room. Bringing your awareness outside of yourself and the solidness of the room and its contents help bring life back into focus.
Forehead holding – a simple technique, put one hand across your forehead, and your other on the base of your skull and hold and breathe, helps reduce stress.
Go for walk – Even a 10 minute walk has been proven to calm anxiety and reduce stress.
Breathe – Practice nose breathing, gentle slow nose breathing. Box breathing is a great place to start. In for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four and repeat. As you build up your capacity you can also make your inhalations and exhalations, while also gently increasing your holding eg in for 6, hold for 3, out for 6, hold for 3, for an increased sense of calm. Look up Buteyko breathing, as it is particularly effective for pre-existing lung conditions like asthma, etc. If your nose is blocked, breathe all the way out, pinch your nose and nod your head several times, then attempt to breathe in only through your nose. Repeat as necessary. Breathing properly can greatly reduce the effect and frequency of colds and coughs. Also see tip below for using Eucaplyptus oil as a steam inhalation.
Exercise – Go for a walk, even 10 minutes outside in fresh air will do you the world of good. The longer walks you do the better for you as you move your circulation and stimulate your lymph. And being outdoors restores calm and a sense of well-being. This is a preventative, as if you have any symptoms you are currently required to stay indoors.
Cross Crawl – Can’t go outside? Do some Cross Crawl – standing on the spot, touch your opposite hand and knee, and alternate 5 times. You can mix it up – sticking opposite arm and leg in different directions; touch your hand to opposite inside ankle, or reach behind and touch your opposite ankle. Great for stimulating your lymph, a huge part of your immune system, and clearing brain fog. Do it to music and it becomes a great aerobic exercise.
Yoga – So many websites are offering free yoga sessions at various times of the day. Huge benefits to the whole being, body and mind.
Cold Showers – Have a lukewarm shower and end it with a burst of cold water. Incredible for boosting the immune system, stimulating the vagus nerve, and calms stress level, stimulates weight loss and the circulation. If you really want to challenge yourself, discover the benefits of cold showers I urge you to research it more.
Dancing – get those endorphins flowing, play some music and have a boogie at home, stimulate your lymph and immune and circulatory systems, it is refreshing and joyful, you will feel exhilarated and recharged. A good sweat work out will help the body detox and clear a cold.
Boost your immune system: From a nutritional point of view the first priority should be building up your health and your immune system so that you don’t easily pick up viruses and, if you do, you are able to shake it off quickly and recover. The most sustainable way of boosting your immune system is through eating healthy and though there are many thoughts on the details of healthy eating, the most important thing to concentrate on is getting as many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (plant nutrition) into your body as you can, ie lots of salads and soups, vegetables and fruit, the bigger the variety and the bigger proportion of your diet they take up the better. Everybody stocking up on pasta, rice and bread – those are carbohydrates and are very poor in nutritional value.
Supplements: Obviously diet is a prime factor and should be the main focus but as we are all lacking in vitamins and minerals because it is not easy to eat enough fruit and vegetables all the time, we can use supplements to support the process. But what are the best ones right now and for all colds and flus:
Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin A, Zinc and antioxidants are your starting point.
Vitamin A - which the body produces by itself if your thyroid is working properly and has enough iodine, provides a protective shield for the cells. 0.6mg daily is sufficient. Alternatively taking carotenoids which the body can convert to Vitamin A if required, is an alternative if you are concerned about Vitamin A toxicity.
Vitamin D – which the body creates from sunlight, which we are currently severely lacking as we come to the end of winter, has a function in priming our immune T-cells to fight infections. 400iu is a minimum daily requirement, but you can easily take 1,000iu at this current time.
Vitamin C – a well-known antioxidant for fighting off infections and colds and flu. Our body doesn’t produce its own Vitamin C unlike most other mammals, therefore we need it from outside sources – mostly found in fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, nectarines, strawberries and cherries. At least 1000mg daily but you can go up to 3-5,000mg easily, though drop it down if it starts to affect your bowels. There are reports that Lyposomal Vitamin C is the most effective but most forms will be beneficial.
Zinc – an essential mineral for helping your immune system and digestive systems to function effectively. 15mg per day is a recommended daily dose.
You can order good quality supplements from either Metabolics, quote AURO as your practitioner for 10% off your order and free postage. For a wider range of brands you can go to The Natural Dispensary and quote ANGIRAS10 for 10% discount and free postage for orders over £25.
Homeopathy – having a good homeopathic first aid kit is always a good idea. Follow this link and this link for a couple of useful flow charts for working out which remedy is the best for your symptoms, for colds/flu and coughs. The most important ones are:
Aconite 30c – Take this one first, at the onset of any cold/flu/cough symptoms
Arsenicum Alb 30c – Usually a good second remedy, but useful to combat the fear even if you have no symptoms
Belladonna 30c – for fevers with a sudden onset
Bryonia 30c – for dry coughs
Ferrum Phos 30c – for colds and flus with a slow onset, fevers and dry coughs
Gelsemium 30c – a good general flu remedy with fever, chills and shivering
Camphor 1M – take 2 x a day for 2 days as a preventative, and if you have full blown flu symptoms take 1 every 3-4 hours until symptoms subside (this is from case studies for the current outbreak in Iran).
Most of these are common remedies and should be available from your local health food store or online pharmacies eg Ainsworths or Helios.
Herbs – I am not fully versed on herbology, however I have done some research and you can click here for a good protocol, based off the herbal expert Stephen Buhner, specifically designed for this virus at its different stages. Please note that herbs can have additional interactions with any medications that you are taking and may have additional side effects, so please make sure that they are suitable for you. And don’t take all of them at the same time.
Chinese Skullcap/Scutellaria baicalensis
Japanese Knotweed/Reynoutria japonica
Licorice/Glycyrrhiza glabra
Elderberry*/L. Sambucus nigra
Cinnamon/Cinnamon verum
Kudzu/Pueraria montana
Dan Shen/Red sage
Ginko Biloba
Salvia Miltiorrhiza
Angelica sinensis
Boneset/Eupatorium perfoliatum
Cordyceps (a mushroom).
If the illness gets to the bad stage then you must STOP taking: Elderberry, Echinacea, Honey (sugar of any kind makes it worse), Chocolate, Colloidal silver, Kimchee.
Other helpful herbs and spices are: Turmeric, Yarrow, Cayenne, Garlic, Horseradish, Red Raspberry, St John’s Wort, Tea Tree Oil, Astragalus.
Most herbs are available from the Natural Dispensary, quote ANGIRAS10 for a 10% discount.
Aromatherapy - Inhaling Eucalyptus oil, just a drop or two in very hot water, helps to clear the nasal and respiratory passages and provides antibacterial properties. Steam inhalation by covering your head with a towel, with your head reasonably close to the steam, creates a sauna-like effect and breathing it in will provide relief. Or this can be done in the bathroom by closing the doors and windows and breathing in the shower steam too. Other oils which can help are peppermint, tea tree, cinnamon, cloves and pepper. Caution - do not put aromatherapy oils directly on the skin as it can cause irritation.
Some helpful recipes:
o Turmeric Tea – boil a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch of black pepper in water for 5 minutes, you can also add coriander seeds if you like. Add a half teaspoon of Manuka honey and drink warm. This is a good preventative as well as particularly helpful for coughs and sore throats. Drink 2-3 times a day if necessary. Works wonders on a cough.
o Rasam soup – a traditional Indian soup for a host of common ailments, aiding digestion, good for when you have a cough or a cold and keeping your head clear. Several recipes abound online but here is a good one, though it calls for 4 chillis, you could definitely reduce it to 1.
The information provided here is offered in good faith, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If symptoms persist or get worse please consult your doctor or other suitable medical practitioner.
Wishing you good health and happiness.