Do you know what it feels like when your body, mind and spirit are in balance?
Integral Health is where our body, heart, mind and soul are in alignment, creating optimum health in our body and emotional clarity for living our lives to their fullest potential. We each have our own truth and path to Integral Health and I love holding the space for you to discover your own truth.
Integral Health goes beyond the notion that health is only in the body. Being in a state of dis-ease is more than physical symptoms, it is also our emotional, energetic and spiritual health. The physical and emotional symptoms are a gateway for deeper healing to clear out imbalances in all areas of our lives. Usually the physical symptoms are a reflection of stresses and tensions in other parts of our lives, and true healing occurs when all parts of our being are acknowledged and included. Sometimes the connections and links are obvious and sometimes they need some deeper digging to reveal themselves.
I use kinesiology to talk to the body to find out where the imbalances are and bring your biochemistry (food, organs and nutrition), your structure (muscles, bones, and joints), your emotions (past and present), and energy (meridians, chakras, and auras) into alignment so that your spirit can soar.